BHP is gap city PB....lovely smooth left to right sloping data below, just needs to address its growth forecast a tad.... see the GRT panel, sloping the wrong atm... PE curve is good
See below for an explanation of the grey panel on the right-hand side of my chart
Right-hand panel explanation
Starting from the top...Value is what the Co's is currently valued at based on all the fundamental data available. EY (earnings yield) and DY (dividend yield) I like to see dy at about half or even less that of ey as a higher ey tells me the company can keep paying outits dividend from its actual earnings. DS (dividend safety) needs to be 50 or higher. RV/ RS/ RT and CI ideally need to be 1 or higher..but RSand RV being more important fundamentally more so RS…. RT is an entry/ exit signal, when rt above 1 that’s good and when below 1 not so. GRT (annualised % growth forecast) I like Co's at 8% and above. GPE (growth to PE) or PEG in Aust... a number greater than 1.00 means the Co is considered undervalued. EPS (earnings per share) leading 12-month earnings per share forecast... higher the better…. PE (price to earnings ratio) shows the number of dollars required to buy $1 of earnings, so a lower PEis better....hope this helps