Some excerpts from an article by Michael Washbourne in Paydirt, March 2018 about Bawdwin's exploration potential and working with the Myanmar Government.
"Lamb is becoming increasinglyconfident that Bawdwin will liveup to its “world-class” potential aseach day passes, particularly withhis team yet to conduct any of itsown formal exploration work.“It’s worth mentioning that thisdeposit is really just the historicaldeposit that was mined pre-WorldWar II in a large commercial way,”Lamb said. “There’s never beenany geophysics done on the site, there’snever been any diamond drilling doneoutside of the recent drilling that’s beendone on the deposit itself. I’ve got highhopes we will see repeated lenses upand down the fault line, which appearsto be the structure that is controlling themineralisation.”"
"“To the Government’s credit, the countryis modernising the way its economyworks, the way its legal system works,the way in which the various departmentsgovern the activities that happenin their portfolios,” Lamb said.“Myanmar is seeing some major investmentfrom major companies aroundthe world now and I think the minerals industrywill start to follow. To some extentwe’re trailblazing here at Bawdwin, asthis is the first time an Australian-listedcompany has come in and partneredwith a local company to bring a producingmine online. I don’t think we’ll be thelast.”"