Forex Trading 2018- TA/FA- Setups and discussion, page-4875

  1. 2,311 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 534
    Your approach to this is fantastic I reckon everyone could take a page out of your book when it comes to having a disciplined and planned approach to developing their trading strategies.

    You are exactly where I hope to be on my EA journey some time in 2019, and I reckon that pipeline strategy you have and managing a portfolio of EAs rather than trying to sink into the holy grail is a really good one, and will surely hedge you against changing markets and massive draw downs over the years. Plus the added benefit is as some EAs start to under perform you can just replace them with a better one, and over time that benchmark for %gains, draw down, risk, etc. will all get higher and higher?

    Exciting stuff mate and sounds like you're already seeing some great results from your EAs which is great.

    Can I ask regarding the returns on your current EA, you mention more consistent/less variance than manual trading that same strategy - when you were manually trading did you experience a bigger variances in the months up vs months down, or were you referring to the actual %return and %draw down variances?

    On an unrelated note... how do you keep a register of your back testing - do you use an excel template or something similar?

    I have recently started to run some, but on the fence as to whether I tweak the inputs and then run a back test on 'all markets' options, or just focus on one symbol at a time and run it using the 'genetic algo'. still not sure if slow complete or fast genetic is better - the last time I tried to run one of those, it needed to do like 12,000 passes!! I estimated was going to take nearly 3 days on my quad core i5 surface pro lol.

    If you are able to shed any light on how you structured your approach to this and what settings or method you found has worked best for your testing that would be greatly appreciated! And if you have any templates that you found easy to use that you could email I would be very grateful.
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