Loans are called loans for a reason the directors should and must repay them.
If they had no intention of repaying the loan back or not paying the loan back if share price is not higher then thats tuff luck, same boat as US share holders.
We dont get special rules, I AlSO took out a loan to buy shares, but I cant not repay it because the share price did not go up.
They need to do whatever they need to do to repay the loan if not consequense should apply just like they would to any normal person obtaining a loan.
Fair is fair we already extended the loan however enough is enough directors pay your debt put SKIN in the game like us all and back yourself in getting the job done and you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
If they dont just have the funds sitting there to repay the loan, why didn't they think of this when they issued the loan? They had 1 year loan extended they can also seek PERSONAL finance to pay out this loan like many of us who took out personal loans to buy shares, however I cant turn around to my lender and say sorry the share price is not higher I wont repay the loan.
I think it will be a GREAT sign seeing directors repaying the loans and putting SKIN in the game and buying on market.