Originally posted by Malaga
Good dummy spit by Warwick Grigor of FGR. Laughable really. Looks like it is Us and Them
This is probably an appropriate juncture to raise the hot topic of Hot Copper. We all know what
Hot Copper is. We all know what type of person frequents Hot Copper. I find it quite amazing
that ASIC allows it to continue to operate as a platform that is so often filled with scurrilous and
even defamatory innuendo. Posters hide behind pseudonyms, offering outrageous and
frequently ignorant and misleading comments and opinions, without any accountability. I say
that enough is enough. People need to be held accountable. They need to be clearly
identifiable so they can be pursued and prosecuted for contravention of laws both civil and
legislated. The regulators do no service by allowing these ghosts to operate in what is
effectively a dark web in the investment markets.
Hi Malaga,
There is a lot of truth in your commentary on defamation, however it sounds that you are generalizing to the majority of posters. You needed to qualify your commentary. I don't know much yet about most of the regular posters on the XAO forum, but can assure you that two who recently switched from the XJO to XAO, (Redbacka and myself are careful not do this ever. I prefer this one to the XJO so far, so you will see more of me, making what I hope will be useful contributions on the index as a whole. I am beyond being too interested in individual stocks with a small number of exceptions. GLTA.