Vanadium Peers- TMT AVL KRC POW TNG, page-148

  1. 1,141 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    big problems for tmt.

    too far from power. dIesel Is too expensIve so gas Is the only optIon but a gas pipeline over 160 kms could cost ~$80 million. but aboriginals will make it too difficult.

    too far from rail so have to truck but trucking bulk amounts of materIal just doesn' t work. look at atlas as an example, they don' t make money. tmt 500kms from port.

    Im not surprIsed that tmt left out tno in theIr global peer comparIson In the presentatIon. tmt dont want to highlIght the fact that tno has around twIce the grade wIth 5 tImes the resource. that means tmt need twIce as many trucks to delIver the same amount of raw product as tno.

    tmt Imo is just a momentum trade for walker and hIs mates. I hope they do well out of It but Im very cynIcal tmt wIll get up.
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