Fullmoon' water soluble vitamin E / tocopherol phosphate comes from various suppliers . The general opinion albeit not here is that despite the slight variations in compounds theres nothing much in it in terms of performance. Claims of superior permeation 're larger molecules etc were never supported by comparison .
Imo Phosphagenics IP was a sitting duck for Mylan . Why should we pay for something we can buy down the corner or make themselves . We got taken they may have claimed sighting equity law perhaps.
A mix of jailed scientists, Singapore Inc , failed commercial history and an insulted bloody minded Mylan was imo too much for the little Aussie bleeder.
Patents never have a value unless the invention is supported by commercial success . How many patents did Phosphagenics have ?
Dan Gallagher having inherited the file no doubt inclusive of his Australian in house counsels brief on Phosphagenics would have no doubt read the brief on occasion for comic relief .
Its as long sorry story for investors and the Australian taxpayer who supported them. Unfortunately its not unique.
But this is just my opinion ,some others forming may not be as temperate .