The SA battery will give you 2 to 3 minutes of base load for the state.
It was NOT designed for that purpose.
Spending a Billion dollars in Battery back still will not give you the base load coverage & in 10 years you need to start swapping it out.
Are you ok with them storing their CLEAN waste at your house?
Coal is dirty...Wind and Solar are cheaper now....and getting cheaper (
take out the Govt Subsidies)
Baseload...are you serious?
-If you have enough Solar (farms and rooftop) and wind farms...
Work out how big that needs to be. Do you want to give up PRIME farm land for this??
-with 5ox SA BIG batteries...
WRONG still not big enough
-Snowy Hydro.
Our best chance for pumped hydo, but only if pumps driven by solar. Scale Too Small
-30+ pumped hydro around Australia.
-Then 20+solar molten salt reactors That product power 8-14 hrs after the solar makes it.
A tech that may work, however its not here & working at a scale large enough(
So after one night when you have used all the retained heat to boil the steam are you then OK with lights off untilthe sun shnes again?
-I haven't even started on tidal enfety or gravity storage.
Give me a break
Show me the 1 Giga watt tidal station??? I or gravity storage currently producing base load. Does it work at ALice Springs?
Next you will show me how to make a battery by putting copper nails in dirt
Please - what do we have right here, right now that can scale up to cover our base load.
That will not tax the shirt off the back of the average Australian?
ike I said earlier - The greenies have you believing that the power production for base load can be solved with todays tech. Sorry to say we are not that smart.
Australia will be more then covered.
It's happening...nothing anyone can do to stop it.
Canberra is trying though. I don't think so -
Abbott was closer to the truth many days a year in Australia is the SUN not shining and WIND not blowing?