The plant was designed for the high grade Andy Well Ore and they were looking at blending the Andy Well ore with the Gwaneeda ore or high grading Gwaneeda for the Andy Well plant and toll treating the rest....A MOU for toll treating was recently signed and expired with no mutual resolution with WGX - Because IMO the terms would have been very one sided....I believe with the cash they receive from the Andy Well sale they are after another similar all script Mutiny Gold Deflector deposit takeover opportunity to be a 2 mine company - Hopefully this time without the start up problems anyway it's all pie in the sky thinking until it becomes fact....Not long now...."Sometimes unwanted ugly ducklings do turn into swans".....follow the people and the results will follow - and LJ is a gun IMO........DRM about to transform and take off below.. = (picture of ESH when it does)