Thanks for the info. That would suggest a mass pull to con of around 30%, not the 20% I might have suggested earlier. It’s not terrific, but it is double the mass pull to con that Windimurra achieved the first time it failed.
The decision to go into BBI is sound, whatever the refining part of the flow sheet looks like (conventional or Tivan). The BBI deposit has double the grade of Mt Peake and mass pull to con is about 70%. Vanadium yield to con is in the high 80’s. To make the same amount of vanadium in feedstock, Mt Peak would have to process at least twice the amount of ore compared to BBI deposit. The concentration factor is a different; a 0.4 feed to a 1.1% con versus a 0.7 feed to a 1.1% con. It means a smaller beneficiation plant and therefore lower capex and less water. Also, no WHIMS!