North Korea’s nuclear weapons just magically disappeared., page-77

  1. 1,251 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 109
    Yes Trump saying that NK no longer poses a nuclear threat is a gross exaggeration.
    Though what does it matter as we all know he says this type of stuff all the time and it maybe from his ego or just getting too excited.I don't care if he has loose lips and yes I do cringe and think he should be more professional but he still has already achieved more than Obama.
    Results is what matters not a few cringy words that upsets the pc crowd.

    In my eyes his exaggerated few words are not far different to the statements by many in the media that were saying he would start an nuclear war and were saying how crazy it was to put him in charge of the button.
    So much gross exaggeration about him has been bandied about by so many experts and I for one am so tired of it.

    Remember the stupid comments by so many of our politicians and when Trump won they all looked like total and utter fools.Yet how many ran them into the ground over it.
    Either way it's a great result to date and whether one likes Trump or not he has earned some impressive stripes under a sea of constant and totally irrational behaviour from his detractors.
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