North Korea’s nuclear weapons just magically disappeared., page-38

  1. 23,922 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "If anything it could get worse now he is emboldened by the fact that he knows the West won't stop him." He knows that does he? Must have HC leftist ability to read things into sentences that just aren't there to other people.

    "I'll grant Trump that the return of hostages and POW remains was a win but was it worth what he gave up?" You've made that clear, you think a photo op is more valuable than the hostages and the POW remains, I disagree. I'd be happy with Turnbull shaking anybody's hand if my loved ones were ever taken hostage or had their remains held overseas where I was unable to pay my respects or even to know if they were there. It's a personal call for the families involved, some may not care but some certainly do.

    If Kim continues building his nukes irrespective of his this meeting and eventually gets working nuclear ICBMs then President Trump will have wasted his time and I'll admit that.

    Which 'us' does 'everybody hate' by the way? Those who judge President Trump on his actions and comment accordingly rather than jumping to dismiss them before anybody knows the ultimate outcome?

    Give it a year and we'll see what happens.
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