North Korea’s nuclear weapons just magically disappeared., page-35

  1. 670 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 100
    You are making the monumental assumption that he will stop doing any of these things now he has shaken Trump's hand but there is absolutely zero evidence or suggestion in the document they signed to indicate that. If anything it could get worse now he is emboldened by the fact that he knows the West won't stop him.

    I'll grant Trump that the return of hostages and POW remains was a win but was it worth what he gave up? Not in my opinion. The remains of my family are lying all across Western Europe. I made my peace with it, without needing their remains. Although if someone offered them to me now, would I want them? I don't know, will need to ponder that.

    Stop playing the "everyone hates us" card it's childish and stop projecting your own bias onto others.

    I for one am capable of critical thinking and I would be saying the same thing if this was being done by anyone else. But it's not. It's being down by him. I don't disagree with a man, I disagree with his actions and words. An important distinction.

    If by some miracle Kim is wooed by the handshake of Trump and it all works out and NK dismantles it's nuclear weapons verifiably and irreversibly , allows in international inspectors to check unimpeded, the sanctions are lifted and they join the rest of the World. I will absolutely come back to this thread, metaphorically genuflect and admit my grievous error in judgement.

    Will you do the same if it doesn't?


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