Forex Trading 2018- TA/FA- Setups and discussion, page-2980

  1. 320 Posts.
    Well it looks like the few regular posters here had a Sunday night Book Club meeting, held each
    others hands, sipped tea and sang Kumbaya.
    Rick I don't see the point in deleting my post. It has taken me ages to get back to it and I would
    think only a Troll would go back that far to re-read it
    Now Shark has gone and hurt my feelings by putting me on Ignore. Great maturity shown
    there Shark..
    As for being banned on another site, that is correct. Some schoolboys got access to the site
    and flooded it with their fake Bitcoin trades, and when I called them out by calling them
    Young and Dumb and etc.....Under the rules I was banned and although it was minor I had
    no problem with it. I post there regularly again now, and they don't mind robust discussion.
    No access to an Ignore Button there.
    Hey Rick, as for your point 2. I made $6238 last month, in what was a pretty good month.
    Not so good this month, but that's the way it works. I hardly think I'm going to ask you
    "nicely" for advice. I follow your posts Rick and they are usually after the fact, therefore
    that means very little to me.
    Now I'm up for putting Trades in real time, but I don't think Hotcopper has the software
    for that. I can show you a hundred charts like you do and tell you I traded them all for
    1800 pips per trade. Show them in Real time and I'll start believing this incredible
    "talent" you have at trading Forex. We do it on the other site, and with 50+ members
    who are seasoned traders, none can achieve what you are doing.

    You seem to change your system like you change your underwear and that's a sure road
    to disaster. Now this whole debate started because you seemed to think it was OK to not
    only average down, but double average down on a losing trade. That is the worst advice
    I have ever heard and nothing will change my mind on that.

    On your last comment on Shark, I have to admit I have no idea how he trades. The few posts
    I've read of his ,it seems he wants to create the perfect EA. and it seems it will be a long term
    project. Going on one of his posts last week it seems he trades off a 12H chart and is looking
    for a 5 minute spike. go figure. He also said once, he had a coach, if that is the case he should
    sack him if he thinks 1:500 leverage is a good thing when you are learning to trade.

    Feel free to put me on ignore, and if you think someone is likely to continue being offended
    by that post or even this one, notify the Moderator to have it removed.
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