hello ardley
thanks for your post however you have not given an answer to my question
where is the money coming from to complete the plant
secondly if there was money available -as there has been in the past 10s of millions
what guarantee is there that it would used to finish the plant
no the line of feeding management is not tired at all in fact it is more relevent now than it
has ever been they are drawing money each week is there any money being spent on the plant?
as for digging holes that has been sucking money out of having the plant finished for over 15 years
do you remember when we were getting into the golden triangle in china. Dont get me started.
rob is right the shares owned by management are diddly squat compared tho their yearly salaries
As for your post 'if'' is a little word but packs a big punch
'anf if ' is the ultimate even bigger