Islamic Immigration ??, page-20

  1. 20,035 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 381
    "I was too busy to watch the whole thing but the first 30 or so seconds and the last 30 or so seconds sounded like an elderly racist to me which is what I wrote only to get a pathetic abusive rant from you based upon your own feelings of hate and insecurity."
    I saw more than the first 30 seconds and he presents his argument quite well, not a dogmatic racist.

    Investment banker Eh? You mean like those who gang up with the rating agency at the factory floor of the Bank's sewer boxing up shite into Belgium stamped pretty boxes ready to ship to the gullible Germans?

    Replace an investment banker with one of them refugees and I gladly wait until you can't walk no more and set my pit bull terrier whom I haven't fed for a week, specially filed the poor dog's teeth and let hunger do the rest. My heart always bleeds for a poor Banker under such circumstances with pleasure.
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