MNM and ESI, page-4

  1. 3,504 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1762
    Well that makes two of us that wasted hundreds of hours banging on about BCE / Lignite as a straight energy source and FWIW you didn't invest in MNM for its gold prospects and I'd say it's quite reasonable to say, that if you had you cash on the table and with what MNM has got going for it now; you wouldn't be investing ; reason you are still here, is that you are locked in, where as the other one across the road; the pellet process is vital for the steel technology (which will be disruptive) to move forward; where as MCO ( which is nothing more last chance saloon ) is vital for MNM to have any chance of moving forward.

    Well at least you seem to have come to terms with the fact that Victorian lignite dream has evaporated. Pity you and vertigo never took my tip on a particular lithium stock at then 7c or so; that's where my lignite money went. I'm tipping the steel one too fwiw.

    So I'll give you a 'lol' too.

    The MCO and IK mixture..... Surely a receipe for disaster
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