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Originally posted by vendor
"Why is the share price falling?
Only because of consolidation.
Here are two lithium stocks to look at.
Not a falling share price there.
One month ago BOTH, under one cent...........
BGS, .0055 of a cent to .12 cents.
AGY, .014 cents. AND in Tasmania, what ever you do, don't tell the "greenies".
MPJ is only going in one direction.... down, due to consolidation !
you are an absolute treasure!! when the likes of you, tradezy and the monkey post you really should check your facts.
Here you are posting that "MPJ is only going in one direction" yet you have the audasity to post about BGS and spruik its position.
You do also realise that dog of a stock was up at $1.47 (equivalent) in 2011
Laughable actually, you are aware that BGS consolidated on a 10:1 basis in November??
You post a rise from under 1 cent to 12 cents.
I think you should really do much better research!!!
Lol. Too much talk methinks. How about a simple wager? After con. I say it'll drop by a months end thereafter to under the consolidated price. You say otherwise, right? If you're wrong, you don't post again, and visa-versa if I am, deal?