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Originally posted by insaf
Yes but why make their off too early - evn are no fools with acquisitions. The lower they pay the better. Their aim would imo be to attract as many shares thru the current offer as the evn sp is supported by instos. When they get a minimum percentage thru offer ( could be 50 percent) they will then as the offer ends will commit to an increase. This will have to increasethe cash scrip to satisfy the directors and with evn sp between 1.50 and 2 dollars the directors will recommend the improvised offer. The issue for cuurent acceptors is that they will not be eligible for that. That is the risk.
Accepting the offer before the last week is honestly imo the least desirable and possibly the dumbest. Why lock yourself in when u can wait. Remember u then have to wait a few weeks after for the release of evn sp. What if it is at 1.20?
If u need to sell out u might as well sell on market. The benefit is immediate.
So i would recommend the following for the 3 scenarios:
If u plan on accepting, dont accept offer now - at the very least wait as late as possible (last week).
If u r desperate to accept now, just sell on market. You take away uncertainty of evn sp which is currently 50 percent of offer. Also you can buy back in if it dtops as it has.This is my strategy as i sold at 15.5 and plan to buy back in soon. If evn appears to get support and redume uptrend im back in pxg.
3rd is the simple scenario - do nothing. My 2nd preferred option but the best for LTers as an offer needs to fit in to the directors range.
All imo of course but im using rationake thought an ta to determine what is happening.
Further to my previous post.
is a link to section 650B of the Corporations Act which is where I source what I said about being entitled to any improved consideration having already accepted the offer.
There is a risk as you say with the lag time from acceptance to getting EVN shares. Worked out well for this contrarian early acceptor but was possibly luck more than skill.