The Long Term Horizon is very important when making plans, targets and investing out over a long term.
Sure those who look short term cannot much like talk of the long-term but looking ahead is essential in my opinion.
Right now MRF has done great; I am looking forwards to the next bit of news.
As for the Management Range. I am even more confident of the $1 + I also bet those who make a serious study of this know the trajectory is all upwards and onwards.
I remember when I called .70 for BBR last year and got a similar response from short-termers; was that emotional? Was the rating of $3 for BBR depending on news flow emotional?
Obviously depending on the news flow I would say MRF's management Range of $1.20 to $2.80 is approaching for this nicely - I have discussed this many times and I am even more confident of it.
Right now MRF has made incredible strides towards $1 + Veinership.
1/ In this market of bubbles and inefficiencies things move faster and further then ever before.
2/ SL Vein is incredibly special and the Ability in 1 step to get Graphene
3/ China is coming for Vein.
4/ China leads the world in Graphene patents and technology
5/ Macro Drivers
6/ Tech Drivers
7/ Impact of SL Vein and Graphene on the market place
8/ Flaker Flight
There is simply too much information to condense here suffice it to say that the evidence is piling up for the speculation about the Long Term Horizon and like I always say to err is Human!
I could go on and on and on the reasons why $1 SL Vein I think long term is inevitable. I think the Management Range is dependent like all Miners are dependent on the results of their tests and exploration.
The Value/Risk assessment has shifted and will dramatically reverse I think once MRF starts producing.
As for Off take Agreements. Hasn't the management been smart to look for premium prices? I think it is not only logical that the off-take agreements and licenses are coming up; I think with these historical results it is a safe speculation.