Oil self sufficiency, page-22

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    "Australia is the ninth largest energy producer in the world but would run out of petrol in just three weeks if imports were interrupted. A new report claims Australia's fuel supply is a national security issue and urges the government to save the oil refining industry, writes Alex McClintock. Australia has never been so energy insecure and will be completely dependent on overseas fuel by 2030, a report has found. In Sydney alone there are 25,000 truck trips a week that do our food supply. If you turn that supply off, it's not a matter of having to import some product, your way of life stops. It's fundamental, it's like air. AIR VICE-MARSHAL JOHN BLACKBURN Australia's Fuel Security, commissioned by the NRMA last year, found that Australia imports 91 per cent of its fuel, up from around 60 per cent in 2000"

    source abc.com.au)
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