the war on meat highly circumspect, page-7

  1. 1,484 Posts.
    Before you tell me that we can't feed all the people with-out modern grain production. please consider..

    Look out the window when you drive to work.
    How much unused surface area is facing the sun?

    How much of that is being used to produce green leafy and other vegetables or stuff that you can feed to fish, chickens, ducks and pigs?

    Have you ever seen a vertical garden made from re-cycled bottles, (you know the ones that are clogging our water-ways in those places where nobody goes on holiday)

    Did you know that you can grow plants like crazy on fish pooh? That you don't need soil and it does not take up much space?

    Have you ever seen recycled container gardens using "wicking" - that use up to one 16th of the water of conventional farming practice.

    Do you know the difference between Aqua-ponics and Hydroponics?

    How much energy goes into putting yummy food in your mouth?
    What proportion of it is good for you, and what bad?
    who told you? who is funding them?

    When you take a dump, how much of that energy goes to recycling the nutrients back into the food chain in an efficient and non-toxic way?

    I am not saying we have all the answers, I am saying, the best minds and the resources we do have are not being used in truly solution orientated way.

    I am saying we are not even trying... so how can you say it cant be done, when we are not even trying, when 99.9% of people are not open to or aware of or interested in the possibilities.

    Disclosure: I support mining, I support nuclear and hydrocarbons, I think most vegetarians and greens and religious people are really nice - I just think they are wrong and they will hurt future generations.

    I don't see how excessive tolerance is helpful here. This is my day off, I don't have to be productive.

    We need smart, good leaders, we need the religious organisations, we need all the people who care to stop pushing their own agendas for a while and get back on track.

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