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Corporate Spotlight

A mineral resources company focused on the exploration and development of its 100% owned Plutonic Dome Gold Project in the Mid-West region of Western Australia. It plans to systematically develop the Project's assets into long term gold mining operation.
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Extends Trident high‐grade gold corridor to 2km strike length

ASX Announcement 28 March 2019 

  • Detailed review of the Trident – Marwest corridor has highlighted signficant and very high‐grade gold intersections in the vicinity of the Marwest open pit, 1km northeast of Trident 
  • Drilling is now planned to follow up the very high‐grade gold previous intersections identified below and down‐plunge from Marwest open pit, including: 
    • ‐ 6m @ 24.2 g/t Au from 157m incl. 3m @ 44.8 g/t Au in MWRC0019 
    • ‐ 3m @ 22.3 g/t Au from 129m incl. 2m @ 30.8 g/t Au in MWRC0061 
    • ‐ 5m @ 11.6 g/t Au from 68m incl. 3m @ 16.2 g/t Au in MWRC0001
  • Drilling is also planned to test open pit potential at Marwest Extended, following up previous, shallow, high‐grade gold intersections including: 
    • ‐ 8m @ 18 g/t Au from 16m incl. 4m @ 34.6 g/t Au in MWX2088002 
    • ‐ 15m @ 4.42 g/t Au from 11m incl. 8m @ 7.50 g/t Au in PBP02249

Gold exploration and development company Vango Mining Limited (“Vango” or “the Company”) has planned a significant drilling programme to follow up previous very high‐grade gold intersections at the Marwest deposit, on its 100%‐owned Marymia Gold Project in the Marymia Greenstone Belt, 300km northeast of Meekatharra in the Mid‐West region of Western Australia (See location Figure 1).  

The previous, very high‐grade, gold intersections are located in two areas (see Figure 2 for locations):

i) Immediately under and to the west of the Marwest open‐pit, interpreted to represent down‐ plunge extensions of the high‐grade shoots mined previously at Marwest, including:   

‐ 6m @ 24.2 g/t Au from 157m incl. 3m @ 44.8 g/t Au and 4m @ 7.5 g/t Au from 119m incl. 1m @ 12 g/t Au in MWRC0019 (see cross section Figure 3) 

‐ 3m @ 22.3 g/t Au from 129m incl. 2m @ 30.8 g/t Au in MWRC0061 

‐ 5m @ 11.6 g/t Au from 68m incl. 3m @ 16.2 g/t Au in MWRC0001 

‐ 8m @ 4.96 g/t Au from 20m (under pit floor) incl. 2m @ 13.2 g/t Au in MWRC0084 

ii) Immediately to the east of the Marwest open‐pit at Marwest Extended where shallow, very high‐grade, intersections represent a high‐grade open pit mining opportunity, and include: 

‐ 8m @ 18 g/t Au from 16m incl. 4m @ 34.6 g/t Au in MWX2088002 

‐ 15m @ 4.42 g/t Au from 11m incl. 8m @ 7.50 g/t Au in PBP02249

These intersections were identified during a detailed review of the Trident ‐ Marwest corridor, where similar geology to the Plutonic Gold Mine (>5Moz past production) setting has been interpreted.   

The Marwest gold deposit is hosted by the same ultramafic unit as the high‐grade Trident gold deposit, being located at the eastern end of a two kilometre strike length high‐grade gold corridor from Trident to Marwest Extended (see Figure 2).

The new drilling programme at Marwest, initially comprising 9 holes for approximately 1,500m, is due to commence next week and will initially test the vicinity of the very high‐grade gold intersections at Marwest Extended, then continue to test for down‐plunge shoot extensions immediately under and to the west of the Marwest open pit (see cross section Figure 3).

The objectives of this drilling programme are to define additional high‐grade open pit and underground gold resourcesto enhance the, already well advanced,stand‐alone, mining and processing plan for the Marymia Gold Project.

Figure 1: Marymia Gold Project location and geology map with key prospects, including Marwest 

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ASX Announcement 5 March 2019 

97.9% gold extraction and low cost crushing and grinding conditions indicated


  • Vango delivers exceptional metallurgical results which will form a key positive input into mine planning and stand-alone processing plant studies on the Trident Gold Deposit 
  • Results to now be incorporated into updated Scoping Study prior to a Pre-Feasibility Study 
  • Trident West metallurgical testing achieved a very high 97.9% gold extraction in 24 hours 
  • Gold head assays significantly above estimated grades for the metallurgical composite

Gold exploration and development company Vango Mining Limited (ASX:VAN) is pleased to announce excellent metallurgical results for the Trident West gold deposit at the Company’s 100%‐owned Marymia Gold Project (“Marymia” or “the Project”) in the Mid‐West region of Western Australia 

The testwork was designed to assess the metallurgical parameters of the resource at Trident West, to assist in determining the most appropriate processing conditions and costs for Vango’s proposed stand-alone processing plant to support the proposed mining operation at Trident and Trident West

The metallurgical programme was highly successful and returned a gold extraction recovery rate of 97.9% over 24 hours at the preferred 106-micron grind size. 

In addition, crushing/compression tests indicate a very low crushing work index (CWi) and grinding tests, which are currently in progress, also indicate low cost grinding conditions.

These results demonstrate the potential for ore from the Trident West deposit to deliver very high gold recoveries and relatively low milling costs for the initial stages of the Company’s proposed standalone processing plant at the Plutonic Dome Project.

The metallurgical results will now be incorporated into updated processing plant scoping studies by Como Engineers, prior to initiation of the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) on the stand-alone mining and processing project at Marymia. 

The test work was conducted on a 42kg composite of oxidised to transitional ultramafic rock from metallurgical diamond drillhole VTRMET0100, estimated from drill-core assays to grade 1.3 g/t Au. Head assays of the crushed and homogenised composite averaged 1.99 g/t Au (see Table 1). This is significantly above the estimated 1.3 g/t Au grade from drill-core assays, indicating the presence of some coarse, supergene, gold in the oxide portion of the drill-hole, that is more difficult to sample due to the variable grain size of the gold in this part of the weathering profile

The Trident West deposit is the near-surface expression of the Trident gold deposit. The project is being evaluated as a potential open pit target as well as an access point to the underground development of the high-grade Trident (Main) gold deposit. 

About the Metallurgical Test-work Program: 

The test work on the Trident West drill-core was focused on two objectives: 

i) To determine metallurgical leach recovery rates and establish preferred grind size, and, 

ii) to provide crushing (CWi) and a Bond, Ball-mill, Work Index (BBWi) to allow determination of milling conditions and costs.

A 42kg composite sample was generated from previous diamond drill-core at Trident, with an estimated average grade from drill-core assays of 1.3 g/t gold (Au). Head assays of the composite averaged 1.99 g/t Au (see Table 1) and calculated head assays ranged from 1.87 g/t Au to 1.94 g/t Au. This is significantly above the estimated grade from drill core assays and indicates the presence of some coarse gold in the oxide portion of the drill sample.

Cyanide leach tests were conducted at three grind sizes, producing the following results over 24 hours: 

- 150 micron: 95.5% gold recovery 

- 106 micron: 97.9% gold recovery (optimum and preferred grind size), 

- 75 micron: 97.7% gold recovery

The leaching rate at the 106 micron grind size was rapid at the tested cyanide level of 1,000ppm (see Chart 1 below) - however cyanide consumption was only moderate at 1.1 kg/t.

The UCS testing indicated very weak material that will essentially “fall apart” under crushing conditions. 

Final BBWi results are to come however soft grinding conditions are expected.

Chart 1: Plot of cyanide-leach gold extraction vs time, Trident West gold sample 

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ASX Announcement 22 January 2019 


  • Vango reports further high‐grade gold intersections at the Trident West gold deposit, including: 
    • ‐ 11m @ 5.66 g/t Au from 67m incl. 2m @ 14.17 g/t Au and 3m @ 9.44 g/t Au in VTRRC0041 
    • ‐ 4m @ 4.22 g/t Au from 87m including 1m @ 8.01 g/t Au in VTRRC0040  
  • Four geotechnical drillholes and one metallurgical hole also completed at Trident West 
  • New drilling intersections and geotechnical information to be incorporated into resource estimate for open‐pit and portal planning to access the Trident high‐grade underground zone 
  • Metallurgical test‐work on Trident West drillcore initiated to determine leach recovery and crushing/grinding parameters for incorporation into the stand‐alone processing plant study 
  • Vango aims to add further resources to the Project’s development pipeline and develop it into a significant, stand‐alone, gold mining and processing operation

Gold exploration and development company Vango Mining Limited (“Vango” or “the Company”) has received further high‐grade drilling results from the Trident West gold deposit, at the Trident Gold Project on its 100%‐owned Plutonic Dome (Marymia) Gold Project (”the Project”) in the Mid‐West region of Western Australia (See location Figures 1 & 4).  

The new gold intersections were from five reverse circulation (RC) drillholes for a total of 520m, which formed part of the open‐pit resource definition drilling of the Trident West gold deposit. Trident West is the up‐plunge, at surface, expression of the high‐grade Trident Main gold deposit.  

The key intersections produced from this five RC hole program are as follows (see Figure 1 for the location of the drilling and Figures 2 and 3 for cross sections through the mineralisation):

  • 11m @ 5.66 g/t Au from 67m incl. 2m @ 14.17 g/t Au and 3m @ 9.44 g/t Au in VTRRC0041, 
  • 4m @ 4.22 g/t Au from 87m including 1m @ 8.01 g/t Au in VTRRC0040, 
  • 2m @ 2.87 g/t Au from 19m and 1m @ 5.35 g/t Au from 73m in VTRRC0039, 
  • 2m @ 1.63 g/t Au from 62m in VTRRC0038.

A maiden resource estimate for Trident West is in progress, as is an updated resource estimate for the Trident gold deposit.  

A further six RC holes for a total of 1192m have also been completed to the east of the Trident West open‐pit target to test the “linking” zone between Trident West and the Trident Main gold deposit.   Following the results of these holes, expected shortly, the Trident Main resource estimate will be finalised, which will facilitate the completion of the underground mine planning at Trident Main.

Geotechnical and Metallurgical Drilling 

In addition to the resource definition drilling, Vango has completed a program of geotechnical and metallurgical drilling at Trident West. This drilling is of significant importance and the results will provide key data for incorporation into mine planning at Trident.

Four geotechnical diamond drillholes totalling 349.2m have been completed. These holes were designed to provide information to determine the viability of developing an open pit at Trident West and an underground portal access point for the high‐grade Trident (Main) gold deposit. 

A metallurgical drillhole was also completed to a depth of 80.2m at Trident West.  Aggregated samples have been submitted to ALS for metallurgical testwork including leach recovery and crushing/grinding tests, designed to confirm the viability of Trident West to be incorporated into the Project’s stand‐ alone processing plan.  

The Company’s strategy is to define and add further resources to the Project’s development pipeline, which currently includes the Trident high‐grade gold deposit as the primary target.  

Vango aimsto develop the Project into a significant,stand‐alone, gold mining and processing operation with outstanding upside potential to continually build the high‐grade gold resource base.

Figure 1: Plan of Trident West gold deposit with drilling completed and previous work 

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Executive Chairman

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) – University of New South Wales

Experienced and successful executive, whose business interests encompass the mining, finance, accounting and agricultural sectors.

Mr McInnes was instrumental in acquiring 100% of the Plutonic Dome Gold Project, building the executive and consulting team and overseeing the growth of the company from an undiluted enterprise value of $1.3m to a current capitalisation in the order of $95.09m.

Email: [email protected]


Managing Director

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) – University of Sydney

Masters in Project Management – University of Sydney

Mr Zhou’s insights are invaluable to the Company as it moves towards production.

He has expertise in the perplexing subjects in funds management, project management, and investment banking with a particular focus on infrastructure investment in Asia Pacific Region.

Email: [email protected]


Non-Executive Director

PhD in Management, Science and Engineering – Tianjin University, China

An Associate Professor of science and technology who lectures in logistic management, Dr Zhang brings to Vango Mining a broad range of experience in management and logistics.

She is of great benefit to the Board as the Company moves towards being a major gold producer.

Email: [email protected]


Chief Consulting Geologist

B.Sc Hons H1, Geology, First Class Honours - University of Melbourne

Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

A geologist with more than 30 years' background and a strong track record of exploration discovery during his 20-year hands-on roles with WMC Resources and MPI Mines.

Mr Dugdale was instrumental in the >1 million ounce Golden Gift discovery at Stawell in Western Victoria, for which he jointly received the Joe Harms Medal for "distinguished excellence in mineral exploration and contribution to the discovery of ore deposits". Vango Mining's Chief Consulting Geologist also has 10 years corporate sector experience as a resourcesanalyst and investment manager with ASX-listed Lion Selection Group and as Managing Director of ASX-listed resources company's Mindoro Resources Ltd and Red Mountain Mining Ltd.  Mr Dugdale is currently Managing Director of ASX-listed Peninsula Mines Ltd.

Email: [email protected]

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