Legend Mining Limited is an Australia-based exploration company. The Company is engaged...Legend Mining Limited is an Australia-based exploration company. The Company is engaged in the exploration of nickel and copper deposits in Australia. The Company’s exploration focus is on its nickel-copper Rockford Project in the Fraser Range, Western Australia. The Rockford Project is located within the highly prospective Fraser Range district of Western Australia, with tenure covering a total area of approximately 2,532 square kilometers (km2). The Company's exploration is primarily focused on magmatic nickel-copper-cobalt (Nova-Bollinger/Voisey’s Bay style), along with volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) style zinc-copper-silver and Tropicana style structurally controlled gold mineralization. The Rockford Project comprises over 11 granted exploration licenses. The Rockford Project’s tenements include E28/1716, E28/1717, E28/1727, E28/2188, E28/2189, E28/2190 and others. The Company's wholly owned subsidiary is Legend Cameroon Pty Ltd.More