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ST GEORGE MINING LIMITED - Corporate Spotlight

St George Mining Limited is an Australia-based mining exploration company. The Company's... St George Mining Limited is an Australia-based mining exploration company. The Company's projects include Mt Alexander Project, Destiny Project, Paterson Project, Broadview Project, Lithium Star-WA Projects, Woolgangie Project, and Ajana Project. The Mt Alexander Project is located approximately 120 kilometers (km) south-southwest of the AgnewWiluna Belt, which hosts various nickel deposits. The project comprises eight granted exploration licenses, such as E29/638, E29/548, E29/962, E29/954, E29/972, E29/1041 and E29/1143, which are a contiguous package. The eighth granted exploration license, E29/1093 is located to the southeast of the core tenement package. Its Paterson Project is an early-stage project with exploration upside. The Broadview Project is in Western Australia's Wheatbelt, approximately 150 km east of Perth. The project comprises two exploration licenses covering an area of about 250 square kilometers. It owns about seven hard-rock lithium projects in Western Australia.More

Corporate Spotlight

The Mt Alexander Project is close to existing infrastructure and plants in the nearby Agnew-Wiluna Belt providing low cost options to fast-track the Project into production. SGQ is positioned for a major share price re-rating as the nickel price surges with a clear upswing in the cycle underway.
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CEO 'very pleased' with exploration results


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ASX Announcement 22 February 2019 


  • 2019 Drilling Campaign has Commenced: 
    • +5,500m reverse circulation (RC) drill programme is underway 
    • First target being drilled is the new West End Prospect which will test for a continuation of the highly mineralised Cathedrals Belt towards the Ida Fault 
    • Second target to be drilled will be the new Fairbridge Prospect with the first ever drilling of the interpreted mineralised contact between the high-grade discoveries at the Stricklands and Cathedrals Prospects 
  • Downhole electromagnetic (DHEM) Surveys from the 2018 Drilling Programme Confirm More Off-Hole Conductors: 
    • Modelling of the DHEM survey data has been finalised by Newexco with additional strong off-hole EM conductors identified that are consistent with massive sulphides 
    • Diamond drilling of these conductors will commence in 4 to 6 weeks 
    • Strong potential to further extend the strike of high-grade mineralisation 
  • Assays from 2018 Drilling Confirm High-Grade Nickel-Copper Sulphide Mineralisation: 
    • Further laboratory assays have been received for drill holes completed in late 2018 
    • Assays confirm multiple intersections of high-grade nickel-copper-cobalt-PGEs including MAD136 which returned: 
      • 5.11m @ 3.88%Ni, 2.4%Cu, 0.10%Co and 6.93g/t total PGEs from 148m, including 2.38m @ 6.76%Ni, 4.29%Cu, 0.19%Co and 6.39g/t total PGEs from 149.5m

Emerging Western Australian nickel company St George Mining Limited (ASX: SGQ) (“St George” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that drilling of nickel-copper sulphide targets has commenced at the Mt Alexander Project, located near Leonora in the north Eastern Goldfields

St George Mining Executive Chairman, John Prineas said: 

“The 2019 drill campaign at Mt Alexander is off to an exciting start with a range of drill targets that have strong potential to discover further nickel-copper sulphides.

“The RC drill programme will be testing for continuations of the known high-grade mineralisation as well as testing for additional occurrences in areas where there has been no or very little previous drilling.

“The first holes to be drilled are at the new West End and Fairbridge targets. These areas are located on the highly mineralised Cathedrals Belt and adjacent to the high-grade discoveries at Investigators, Stricklands and Cathedrals.

“The concurrent use of drilling and DHEM surveys will continue to be used to scope out the distribution of the sulphide mineralisation. This has proved to be a very effective exploration method with modelling of DHEM data from drill holes completed at Investigators and Stricklands late last year identifying a number of strong off-hole EM conductors which we believe represent extensions of the known nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation

“The strong results from the 2018 drilling continue with final assays from that drilling confirming further high-grade nickel-copper-cobalt-PGEs in multiple intersections.

“The high PGEs in our mineralisation are particularly pleasing, with palladium – currently trading at another new record price – comprising around 80% of the total PGEs.”

Figure 1- map of the tenement package at Mt Alexander set against RTP magnetic data, showing the key prospects and targets under exploration. Drilling is now underway at the West End Target. 

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ASX Announcement 18 March 2019 


Drilling is Underway at Fairbridge: 

  • Two drill holes completed at the new Fairbridge Prospect with thick intersections of ultramafic and nickel sulphides 
  • Early results add support to the potential for the highly chargeable anomalies at Fairbridge to represent nickel sulphide mineralisation 

Extensional Drilling Identifies New Zone of Nickel Sulphide Mineralisation:

  • Three wide-spaced drill holes completed in the undrilled 500m strike between the Stricklands and Investigators Prospects on the Cathedrals Belt 
  • All three drill holes intersected ultramafic with nickel sulphides confirming a new and wide zone of mineralisation that is open to the north, south and at depth 
  • Downhole electromagnetic (DHEM) surveys underway to identify any conductive targets around the drill holes 

DHEM Surveys at West End Identify Off-Hole EM Conductors: 

  • Two off-hole EM conductors identified from DHEM surveys completed at West End Prospect 
  • Further drilling to be scheduled for West End to test the DHEM conductors and extend the line of drill holes westwards along the Cathedrals Belt to the Ida Fault

Emerging Western Australian nickel company St George Mining Limited (ASX: SGQ) (“St George” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce further strong results from the drill programme in progress at the Mt Alexander Project, located near Leonora in the north Eastern Goldfields. 

Two drill holes – MARC093 and MARC094 – have been completed at the eastern margin of the Fairbridge Prospect to test a large chargeable anomaly that is interpreted to be the western extension of the mineralised ultramafic at the Cathedrals Prospect. Both drill holes intersected thick intervals of ultramafic rocks and nickel sulphide mineralisation.

MARC093 was completed to a downhole depth of 178m, and intersected approximately 7m of disseminated nickel sulphides in ultramafic from 60m downhole. A second ultramafic unit was observed at 150m downhole.

MARC094 was drilled to the north of MARC093, and was completed to a downhole depth of 226m. MARC094 intersected approximately 5m of disseminated and blebby nickel sulphides from 90m downhole, and then another 4m of coarse nickel sulphides – including network textured and large blebby sulphides – from 197m downhole.

These interim results demonstrate that the mineralised ultramafic dips to the north, with stronger nickel sulphide mineralisation at depth. Significantly, a large chargeable anomaly has been modelled to the north of MARC094, at a vertical depth from surface of approximately 250m. The first ever drilling of this large anomaly is scheduled for this week.

The above drill hole observations are based on geological logging and are preliminary in nature. A conclusive determination of any significant intersection in the drill holes is subject to laboratory assays, which are pending.

St George Mining’s Executive Chairman, John Prineas said: 

“The drill programme at Mt Alexander continues to deliver exciting results and further hits of thick nickel sulphide mineralisation. 

“Initial drill results at Fairbridge fit very well with our geological model for the Cathedrals Belt, which interprets the ultramafic unit dipping to the north with potential for further mineralisation down-plunge

“This is encouraging for the remaining nickel sulphide drill targets at Fairbridge – particularly the large chargeable anomalies recently identified down plunge of the known mineralisation at the Cathedrals Belt.

“At West End, the downhole EM surveys continue to identify conductive material. This supports the potential continuation of the mineralised ultramafic to the west of Investigators and increases our confidence to complete a series of drill holes all the way to the Ida Fault in the west. 

“Extensional drilling between Investigators and Stricklands has also delivered success with a new zone of nickel sulphide mineralisation discovered in this previously undrilled 500m east-west strike of the Cathedrals Belt.

“This kind of geologically driven and systematic exploration is the foundation for most major discoveries. We are very pleased with the positive results achieved already in the current drill programme and the potential for more significant results as the drilling continues over the coming weeks.” 


The Fairbridge Prospect covers a 1,000m east-west strike of the Cathedrals Belt and lies between the Stricklands and Cathedrals Prospects, where significant discoveries of nickel-copper sulphides have already been made by St George.

A number of chargeable anomalies have been identified at Fairbridge from geophysical surveys recently completed by St George. These anomalies are high priority drill targets, and are discussed in detail in our ASX Release dated 7 March 2019 Nickel-Copper Sulphide Drilling at Mt Alexander. The anomalies may potentially be associated with the numerous sulphide gossans observed at Fairbridge, with several anomalies situated below these gossans. 

Two large chargeable anomalies are situated on the eastern and western margins of Fairbridge and to the north of known high-grade nickel-copper sulphides at the Cathedrals and Stricklands Prospects, respectively. The large anomalies may represent down-plunge extensions of the known mineralisation. Figure 1 illustrates the chargeable anomalies at Fairbridge and the location of the drilling underway.

MARC093 and MARC094, as discussed above, were drilled in the western margin of Cathedrals and intersected two ultramafic units with nickel sulphide mineralisation – giving encouragement that the large chargeable anomaly to the north of the drill holes may represent a down-plunge extension of this mineralisation. 

MARC092 was drilled to a downhole depth of 120m, intersecting mafic rocks from surface to 40m downhole and then mostly granite. The hole is interpreted to have intersected remnant greenstones from the main Mt Alexander Belt and the mafic dyke that lies within the Cathedrals fault, a setting where nickel sulphides have been previously identified elsewhere along the Cathedrals Belt.

DHEM surveys will be completed in all drill holes to investigate for conductive material around the holes.

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ASX Announcement 12 February 2019 


  • +5,500 metre reverse circulation (RC) drill programme to commence next week at Mt Alexander with drilling in multiple target areas 
  • Infill and extensional drilling planned for the Investigators Prospect to support resource definition
  • First ever drilling of the interpreted mineralised contact at the Fairbridge Prospect where nickel-copper sulphide gossans have been identified over a 1km strike 
  • Drill targets at Fairbridge include several anomalies with geophysical signatures consistent with nickel sulphide mineralisation 
  • First ever drilling at the West End Prospect to test for the interpreted western extension of the highly mineralised Cathedrals Belt towards the Ida Fault 
  • First ever drilling by St George at the Mt Alexander Belt to follow-up massive nickelcopper sulphide intersections in previous exploration by BHP

Emerging Western Australian nickel company St George Mining Limited (ASX: SGQ) (“St George” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that drilling is scheduled to resume on 18 February 2019 at the Mt Alexander Project, located near Leonora in the north Eastern Goldfields.

The 2019 drilling campaign at Mt Alexander will commence with an RC drill programme that comprises 37 planned drill holes for more than 5,500m of drilling. Additional drill holes may be added to the programme as initial drill results are reviewed. Downhole electromagnetic (DHEM) surveys will be used concurrently with drilling to further investigate for sulphide mineralisation.

A diamond drill programme will also commence at a later date to test the DHEM conductors identified from last year’s drilling as well as any DHEM conductors that may be identified from the upcoming RC drilling.

Table 1 – planned RC drilling programme commencing February 2019 

St George Mining Executive Chairman, John Prineas said: 

“We are very pleased to launch our drill programme for 2019 which will see the first ever drilling at newlydefined prospects at Fairbridge and West End

“This programme will also include our first ever drilling at the Mt Alexander Belt – an underexplored belt with multiple intersections of massive nickel-copper sulphides by previous explorers.

“We believe there is strong potential to discover further nickel-copper sulphides at each of these prospects.

“Additionally, the RC programme will see a continuation of the resource drill-out at the Investigators Prospect where high-grade nickel sulphides have been intersected over a 1.5km east-west strike and up to 380m down-plunge to the north.

“These are all high quality drill targets with strong potential for significant results that could further enhance the upside at Mt Alexander.”


The Fairbridge Prospect covers a 1,000m east-west strike of the Cathedrals Belt between the Stricklands and Cathedrals Prospects where high-grade nickel-copper sulphides have already been discovered.

Nine new nickel sulphide gossans were identified at Fairbridge in December 2018 by our technical team, suggesting that this section of the Cathedrals Belt may also host high-grade nickel-copper sulphides at depth. 

Geophysical surveys at Fairbridge commenced earlier this month and included both high resolution fixed loop electromagnetic (FLEM) and induced polarisation (IP) surveys. These surveys are due to be completed today, with processing of survey data already well underway.

Initial modelling of the data indicates several anomalies across the 1,000m strike of Fairbridge, giving encouragement that there could be chargeable material at depth that may represent sulphide mineralisation associated with the gossans. 

Modelling of the survey data is scheduled to be completed this week. Any modelled EM conductors will be tested by the RC drilling scheduled to commence next week.

In addition, a reconnaissance line of drill holes will also be completed at Fairbridge to target the interpreted mineralised contact. All drill holes will be cased in PVC tubing to allow completion of DHEM surveys to further assist in locating any mineralisation at depth.

Final drill hole details and EM targets will be provided upon commencement of drilling next week.

Figure 2 highlights the target area at Fairbridge. Four historical drill holes were completed in this area. These reconnaissance holes were drilled on the margin of the Belt and failed to intersect the mineralised contact. 

Click here to view the full announcement 

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