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Corporate Spotlight

Kingwest is a mining and explorations company focused primarily on gold exploration in the Eastern Gold Fields Region of Western Australia. It will aggressively explore for and extract gold in a mix of advanced, intermediate, and greenfield projects within this highly prospective district.
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KWR Drilling Commenced

ASX Announcement 27 March 2019 

  • Deeper RC drilling to follow up previous high grade intersection at King of the West and extension resource drilling at Crawfords has commenced. 
    • Maiden RC drilling program at Gambier Lass North to test historical RAB drilling gold mineralisation will follow the other prospect areas. 

A programme of 34 reverse circulation holes to follow up previous drilling has begun. Drilling at King of the West is targeting extensions to previously delineated high grade mineralisation; at Gambier Lass North an initial RC drilling program will target historical high grade RAB drill hits and drilling at Crawford will extend mineralisation from the current Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate of 104,000 ounces.

Drilling has commenced and is making good progress at the Kingwest projects.

King of the West 

A program of 7 holes totalling 1,000m has been drilled targeting high grade mineralisation beneath old workings. Drilling has focused on the King of the West and Queen of the West vein systems. 

Holes have been sampled and submitted to the labs for assay.

Two holes have been drilled into the King of the West lode targeting extensions to the previously announced high grade intersection in hole KWRC007; 15m @ 9.18g/t from 60m. The new holes have been drilled either side and below the high grade zone.

Drilling into the Queen of the West lode has tested under old workings where high grade chip samples were collected. Chip samples of 7.08g/t, 2.41g/t and 17.4g/t were collected in August 2018 (see ASX announcement 6 September 2018). 

King of the West and Queen of the West Drill Holes have been sampled and submitted to the Labs for assay. Results pending.

Section showing KWRC007 and proposed holes on either side 

Map of King of the West Mine showing proposed holes 

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Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2018

ASX Announcement 30 January 2019 


  • Significant exploration activity during the quarter highlights the gold prospectivity of the historically underexplored Kingwest package 
  • Spectacular high - grade mineralisation intercepted at King of the West, including 5m @ 26.67g/t Au, 10g/t Ag from 66m in hole KWRC007 
  • Additional gold bearing rock chip results returned at King of the West Project with values to 17.4g/t Au. 
  • Aircore drilling on the eastern margin of the Crawford resource area returns 3m @1.14 g/t Au from 33m in hole CAC001 7m @ 13.04 g/t Au from 42m to end of hole in hole CAC005 6m @ 0.65 g/t Au from surface in hole CAC010 
  • Aircore drilling along the trend of the Emperor Structure has located extensive anomalous gold. 
  • Reconnaissance aircore drilling at the Roman Well Project returns anomalous gold results. 
  • Multiple gold bearing rock chip results returned at Gilmour Prospect with values to 1.38g/t Au

West Australian focussed gold explorer, Kingwest Resources is pleased to present the December 2018 Quarterly Report.

King of the West Project (KWR 100%)


Exploration at the King of the West project has consisted of rock chip sampling that has returned multiple high - grade samples on several outcropping quartz lodes with historic workings from the period 1897 to 1940. (Refer to KWR ASX announcements 6 September 2018, 21 November 2018 and 7 January 2019). Sampling has identified 4 east – west trending lodes, with significant gold rock chip results, as follows:

  1. King of the West Mine and lode. Multiple high-grade rock chip results, up to 168g/t Au, 45g/t Ag, and visible gold recovered from a 300m extent of shafts and prospecting pits. 
  2. Duke of the West Lode. A 200m strike of vein quartz outcrop, shafts and pits with rock chip results to 4.92g/t Au. 
  3. Prince of the West Mine and lode. A 100m strike of quartz lode with 3 shafts and stoping to more than 20m deep. Rock chip values to 8.18g/t Au. 
  4. Queen of the West Lode. A 600m strike length of shafts, pits and quartz lode outcrops with rock chip values to 17.4g/t Au 

An additional significant set of historic workings, (Teutonic Extended) are present in an embayment into the King of the West licence. Further, in close proximity to the north is the Bundarra Gold Project, operated by Bligh Resources, where a resource containing 660,000oz gold was recently announced in similar quartz lodes and shear zones, (see BGH ASX announcement 18 December 2018). 

King of the West. Gossanous and fault brecciated vein quartz 322499mE 6858909mN 168g/t Au, 45g/t Ag 
Queen of the West. Gossanous and fault brecciated vein quartz 323558mE 6857245mN 17.4g/t Au, 5g/t Ag 

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Kingwest Resources Limited (“Kingwest”) is a mining and explorations company focused primarily on gold exploration in the Eastern Gold Fields Region of Western Australia. It will aggressively explore for and extract gold in a mix of advanced, intermediate, and greenfield projects within this highly prospective district.

Kingwest’s total tenement package is one of the largest in the region, at 760.25km2, with an option take it to 935km2. Kingwest’s land holding is focused on prospective geological anomalies that have not yet been properly explored or developed, but which are in close proximity to proven mining projects situated on or along these same anomalies.

Combined with its proven management team and its extensive goldfields network of suppliers, drilling and mining contractors, consultants and resources professionals, Kingwest is well positioned to experience rapid success within this region.


Kingwest plans to raise A$5m to fund exploration activities in Western Australia.


To achieve its ambitious growth plans for 2018 and beyond, Kingwest will implement a three-stage company plan. The company's plan is to move Kingwest from initial seed, through the IPO, and onto a series of intensive and systematic exploration programs that will consistently add to its strong pipeline of growth options.

Phase one of this plan comprises advanced exploration at the Crawford's Deposit and in other Crawford regions. In phase two, drilling will commence at the substantially under-developed and under-explored Emperor and Roman Well areas. In phase three, generative exploration of conceptual targets displaying similar analogues to those nearby will allow Kingwest to discover previously unrecognised greenstone belts and zones under cover.

The company's plan is expected to systematically and rapidly transform Kingwest into a serious contender in Australian exploration and development within one of Australia’s most highly prospective gold regions.



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Stephen has over 15 years’ experience in mining and exploration across Western Australia and New South Wales, specialising in field logistics and support and land access in rural and remote environments. He has an extensive track record in logistics, tenement acquisition, land access, mining investment, and commercial and cross-cultural negotiation.

Stephen has secured projects that have resulted in significant gold discoveries in NSW. He has owned and operated a drilling company which operated 8 drilling rigs. Stephen was also a founding Managing Director of Centaurus Resources, a founder and principal of Southern Cross Technical & Field Services, a Managing Director of Tellus Resources, a founding director of the ASX-listed YTC Resources Ltd (now named Aurelia Metals), and a founding director of LFB Resources which was taken over by Alkane Resources.


Steve is currently Managing Director of Mining Corporate, and holds over 16 years’ experience in corporate and capital structuring, corporate advisory, ASX and ASIC compliance requirements, company secretarial services, and capital raising.

He has been involved in the listing of numerous junior resources and  mineral exploration companies on the ASX in the past 15 years, and has served or continues to serve as Director and or Company Secretary for many of these companies. This currently includes serving as the Director of Estrella Resources Limited, and as Company Secretary of Bowen Coking Coal Limited, Estrella Resources Limited, Jacka Resources Limited, Nelson Resources Limited and Galena Mining Limited.


Peter has several decades’ in-depth experience in financial markets, corporate finance, and governance. He has served as a director of ASX listed mining, manufacturing and technology companies since 1990. He is currently Non-Executive chairman of Ironbark Zinc Ltd and MedAdvisor Ltd.


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