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Corporate Spotlight

The main objective of company is to develop a universal parental control platform that leveraged to the best of networking and application technology and one that worked at home, outside, within carrier networks, public hotspots and schools.
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ASX Announcement 28 March 2019 

Family Zone Cyber Safety Ltd (ASX: FZO, ‘Family Zone’ or ‘the Company’) is pleased to welcome prominent sportsman and influencer, Mr Michael Clarke, as a global brand ambassador and shareholder of the Company.

Michael Clarke, former Captain of the Australian Cricket team and a passionate supporter of many foundations and charities, including Life Education Australia, The Cancer Council, Loyal Foundation and the McGrath Foundation, has joined Family Zone Cyber Safety Ltd as a shareholder and ambassador, as well as being a user of the cyber safety product for his family. 

As the father of young tech-savvy Kelsey Lee, Michael has a keen personal interest in online safety and her use of online media attracted Michael to working with Family Zone.

Since his cricketing years, Michael has developed extensive business and media relationships in India, being a popular figure in the sub-continent with many millions of social media and TV followers.

India is a strategic market for Family Zone. Family Zone has established reseller deals in India with two of the world’s largest telecommunications providers; Vodafone and Bharti Airtel. These two companies combined have in excess of 800M mobile subscribers and an estimated 60M children using smartphones. Family Zone is also in active discussions with the Government and education sector about rolling out it's unique cyber safety ecosystem.

As a global brand ambassador, Michael will support the promotion of cyber safety and Family Zone to parents, schools, governments and the media in Australia and India. Michael’s influence is significant with close to 5 million followers across his social media platforms.

Tim Levy, Managing Director Family Zone Cyber Safety, said:

“It’s an honour to have Michael Clarke promoting and representing our Company on the world’sstage. Michael’s passion for the things we stand for and hisreach in India is a unique and valuable combination. I am very excited to be able to work with Michael on launching our world first cyber safety ecosystem into the strategically important and enormousIndian market. 

Commenting on the appointment, Michael Clarke said:

“I’m delighted to work with such an innovative Aussie company. Family Zone shares my passion for family, for innovation and forsupporting kidsto be their best.” 

Ambassadorial Agreement between Family Zone and Michael Clarke 

24 month agreement which may be extended by mutual consent. Michael Clarke to support the promotion of cyber safety and the offerings and programs of the Company with specific emphasis on Australia and India. Agreement includes commitments with respect to promotion and a limited license for the use of Michael Clarke’s likeness. Compensation includes cash and shares the majority of which is $100,000 per annum in shares issued at the higher of the 30-Day VWAP at the date of the agreement (and its anniversary in subsequent year) and 20c per share. Any shares issued under the agreement are subject to a twelve month voluntary escrow.

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ASX Announcement 20 March 2019 

Family Zone Cyber Safety Ltd (ASX: FZO, ‘Family Zone’ or ‘the Company’) is pleased to update the market on on its entry into the United Kingdom (UK) education market. 


  • Family Zone’s School Manager launched in four UK schools on fee paying deals 
  • Opportunities brought to Family Zone through inbound inquiries from a UK edu-tech vendor 
  • Further opportunities being explored and a pipeline being built 
  • Evidences Family Zone’s extremely scalable business model 
  • Addressable UK education market is significant, with greater than 32,000 schools


As previously communicated to the market, Family Zone invested heavily in 2018 to develop a cyber safety platform which is simple and low cost to deploy and maintain across any school globally. The strategy is to have a product set which can be rapidly deployed across schools globally. Then our installed based of schools create opportunities for Family Zone to engage with parents, expanding the potential scope of the Company’s active user base.

In March 2019 Family Zone received inbound inquiries from a UK based edu-tech reseller and within one month has signed (at commercial rates) and deployed into four UK primary schools. This was achieved with no incremental marketing spend and no requirement for the Company to employ resources or establish a physical presence in marke

Results have been exceptionally positive, demonstrating the maturity of the Company’s platform and simplicity of its deployment.

Family Zone is building a sales pipeline and is confident of ongoing successes through 2019.


The UK education market is very similar to Australia in terms of the needs and challenges being faced by schools today, namely: 

  • The need for schools to deliver granular content filtering and VPN blocking 
  • Educational focused reporting and proactive insights into concerning student behaviour 
  • Dealing with students 4G hotspotting to BYO devices to bypass school WiFi filtering systems 
  • Mobile phone distractions impacting student safety and learning outcomes 
  • Teachers possessing the tools to teach based on modern pedagogy 
  • Limited IT resources
  • High expectations from parents for schools to deal with their child’s digital habits

Family Zone’s integrated suite of educational solutions, deployed in Australia, New Zealand and the USA, addresses all the above needs through its transparent, flexible and affordable platform. 

The size of the UK market dwarfs that of Australia with 32,113 schools in total, comprising 20,925 primary, 4,168 secondary and the remainder being independent and special schools.

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E-School Pad Transaction

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Valuation Update

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Landmark Alacatel Deal

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About Family Zone

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